Projects created by Lab206




Project Name: First Responders

Synopsis: When the world of the future crosses a cataclysmic event called “The Break” and chaos descends. Commander Willard of F.O.R.C.A.S.T (Forensic Organization for Rescue, Environmental Control and Special Tactics) must travel back to our time and recruit five young heroes to save their future.

The story is about 5 typical island kids who are empowered by the future spirit of Goodwill with preventing a cataclysmic event one incredible adventure at a time.

Creators: Lab206

Type of Animation: Series

Trailer coming soon!

We’re always telling our kids that they can change the world,

First Responders aims to show them how.




Project Name: Panimation – Legends of Panderica

Synopsis: All the sacred pan music of Panderica has escaped from a Pandorian-like box causing our group of heroes to search all throughout the land to retrieve the mystic tones and in the process, learn more about their culture and themselves.

Creators: Benoit Academy of SteelPan and Lab206

Type of Animation: Series

Click here to view trailer for Panimation!

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