The Animae Caribe Film and Digital Media Festival is the largest animation film network with a regional coverage in the Caribbean. Since its establishment in 2001, it has been staged each year in Trinidad and Tobago in October/November.
This festival functions as a regional platform for Caribbean animators through its technical partnerships with international animation studios. Also, its membership with the world renowned Association Internationale du Film d’Animation (ASIFA) allows it to act as a liaison between Caribbean and international animators. Animae Caribe has a regional and international network of storytellers, writers, puppetry artists, visual artists (including graphic designers and photographers), theatre and music performers, sound and lighting technicians and reseachers, which feed into the animation production sector. Animae Caribe is growing in recognition as one of the many notable international annual festivals.
A satellite event was staged in November 2011 in Jamaica under the name Animae Caribe Jamaica to complement the annual Festival in Trinidad and Tobago. In August 2013, Animae Caribe collaborated with the CARICOM Secretariat to introduce Animation and Anansi in CARIFESTA XI (Caribbean Festival of Arts), which was held in Suriname.
Camille Selvon Abrahams
Festival Director